Highsmith, Patricia: Nachlass Patricia Highsmith

Life Papers and Documents

Swiss Literary Archives (SLA)
Hallwylstrasse 15
CH-3003 Berne



Author/Origine : Highsmith, Patricia
Title Life Papers and Documents
Scope and content : C-Life Papers and Documents: 18 diaries written in various languages, around 1,500 photographs, personal and family documents and memorabilia.
Cote : SLA-PH-C

C-01 Diaries
C-02 Personal Papers
C-02-a Birth certificate, Passports, Death report etc.
C-02-b Private Small Format Booklets (Address Booklets, Small Notebooks)
C-02-c Social Security (Health and Medical Documents)
C-02-d Death (Exit, Last Will etc.)
C-02-e American Citizenship
C-02-f Cats
C-02-g Divers Personal Documents (Horoscope, CV)
C-02-h Calendars with Notes
C-03 Genealogical and Family Documents
C-03-a Stewart Family
C-03-b Coates and Coats
C-03-c Coates Donations
C-04 House and Business Documents
C-04-a Business Small Format Booklets (Income and Address)
C-04-b House Documents
C-04-b-01 Visitors' Book, 1977-1991
C-04-b-02 Documents re: Aurigeno House, 1980-1995
C-04-b-03 Documents re: Tegna House, 1977-1995
C-04-b-04 Writing Utensils, TV, Media, 1985-1995
C-04-c Memberships
C-04-d Editors
C-04-e Taxes
C-05 Photos
C-05-a Photo Albums
C-05-a-01 Brown Album
C-05-a-02 Red Album (horizontal)
C-05-a-03 Black Album (gold tooling)
C-05-a-04 Red Album (upright)
C-05-a-05 Black Album (photographs)
C-05-a-06 Black Album (memory book)
C-05-b Private Shots
C-05-c Professional Shots (Portraits etc.)
C-05-d Photos Coates Donation
C-05-e Private Photo Collection, unsorted
C-05-f Attachments and Supplements
C-06 Awards and Diplomas
C-07 Memorabilia
C-08 Notes by Patricia Highsmith (and others)
C-08-a Divers Notes
C-08-b Notes and letters removed from PH's Books and Library


House and Business Documents


Business Small Format Booklets (Income and Address)

Cote Title / Description Dates Further Info / Remarks
C-04-a/01 Income 1950-1960   1950-1960
C-04-a/01.1 a) Pay slip N° 59674 of William Morris Agency, Inc.
C-04-a/01.2 b) nc. s.s. card # 133-16-9894
C-04-a/02 Income 1961-66   1961-1966
Brown spiral.
C-04-a/03 Income 1967-1973   1967-1973
Red flowered cover.
C-04-a/04 1974-5-6-7-8-79 with black sticker „I“   1974-1979
Green patterned cover
C-04-a/04.1 a) small map of part of London, showing Angel Bookshop
C-04-a/04.2 b) letter from William Aspenwall Bradley, December 1976, address: Moncourt, Re: income
C-04-a/04.3 c) letter from Helena Strassova, 1st January 1980, address: Moncourt, Re: income
C-04-a/05 Income 1980-1987   1980-1987
Blue booklet with flowers on cover and a black sticker with big letter „I“
C-04-a/05.1 „Travel-things-to-remember-tick-off-list“ and small shopping list
C-04-a/06 Address booklet "Business Eng – France 1963-1970"   1963-1970
Blue patterned cover.
C-04-a/07 Address booklet "Bus – Eng – France 1971 – Apr. 1974"   1971-1974
Blue covers „Collins Mini Memo“.
C-04-a/08 Address booklet "Business Addr. 1976-1979"   1976-1979
Black cover.
C-04-a/09 Address booklet "Business – France, Switz. USA ‘79-82"   1979-1982
Red fleur-de-Lys cover.
C-04-a/10 Address booklet "1980-87 Bus"   1980-1987
Black cover; written on plaster that is stuck on booklet with bright yellow tape.
C-04-a/11 Address booklet "Bus" (no date)   [s.d.]
Wrapped in white paper.
C-04-a/11.1 Tegna address and fax number inside cover
C-04-a/11.2 a) card Mr George Hamilton Vascular Surgeon, London
C-04-a/11.3 b) piece of paper with address of Steve von Stehen, Merrill Lynch, Paris.
C-04-a/11.4 c) part of envelope with address of O. Brändl [?], Zürich and phone number
C-04-a/12 Envelope with check stubs (receipts only)   [ca. 1981-1987 (ca.)]
Nov. ’81 to 87 – 1. April Five books of check stubs.
C-04-a/13 Check stubs 1985/86   1985-1986
C-04-a/14 Envelope with check stubs (receipts only)   1988
’88 UK cheque stubs One book of check stubs.
C-04-a/15 Dollar account Tomes, Inc   [s.d.]
With handwritten notes by PH and original folder.


House Documents


Visitors' Book, 1977-1991

With first dated entry: “1977. For Pat. In memory of our first ‘murder’. Love Alexis” [Weissenberg]. Greetings and inscriptions on c. 1/5 of the whole book, among others by Jeanne Moreau, (15.10.1977). Contains 4 calling-cards (three in the beginning, one after the last p. with an entry).


Documents re: Aurigeno House, 1980-1995

Original folders of PH included (1 red, 1 green), 1 envelope (yellow).
Cote Title / Description Dates Further Info / Remarks
C-04-b-02.1 Photograph by (?): Aurigeno house, 1982 Summer    
C-04-b-02.2 Documents and correspondence from/with Union de Banques Suisses[UBS]; E. Lautenbach, Aurigeno; PTT[Schweiz. Post-, Telefon-, und Telegrafenbetriebe]; Comune di Aurigeno, (included location plans and tax documents, 2 certified photocopies (No. 1399 and 1400: Procura to Madame Ellen Rifkin, 4 agosto 1980; Immobiliare Orselina; Schweiz. Mobiliar Versicherungsgesellschaft)    
C-04-b-02.3 Folder Avv. Franco Moretti Studio legale e notarile. With document "Pubblico Istrumento No. 2129: Contratto di compravendita", Copia autentica per la Signora Patricia Highsmith (10.09.1991) and correspondence    
C-04-b-02.4 Pubblico Istrumento No. 762. Avv. , Notaio, Locarno [Procura: ], Copia autentica (26.08.1980)    
C-04-b-02.5 "Werkvertrag [photocopy] zwischen Frau Patricia Highsmith, vertreten durch Frau Ellen Hill, Casigliano und Impresa A. u. T. Gobbi, Verscio und T. Ammann, Casigliano – kurz Gobbi + Ammann genannt, 23. Oktober 1980"    
C-04-b-02.6 Pubblico Istrumento No. 3268. Notaio Avv. , Locarno. Atto: Compravendita, Rettifica confini (Fotocopia autentica, 30.10.1989)    


Documents re: Tegna House, 1977-1995

Some of the letters and documents with notes and handwritten remarks by PH. Mortgage-calculations, invoices, plan notes re: construction of Tegna house. Correspondence with Sigg, UBS, Locarno, Schnebli + Ammann, architects
Cote Title / Description Dates Collation Further Info / Remarks
C-04-b-03.1 Key with inscription on tie-on label “Towkie Maniapik, Pangnirtung, 1982. Canada, Eskimo art esquimau”     Door key (with engraving Swiss 8, 128)  
C-04-b-03.2 Der Architekt. Handbuch für den Bauherrn (S.I.A, BSA, FSAI)        
C-04-b-03.3 Rough draft Tegna house (Drawing by PH, on rear of calendar sheet "Dicembre 1988")        
C-04-b-03.4 Site plan (Drawing by PH) How to come to Tegna house (from Locarno)        
C-04-b-03.5 Correspondence with Agenzia Immobiliare Domenico Cocquio. Site plan (Drawing by PH) House P. H. [less detailed than the one above]        
C-04-b-03.6 2 Manuals: Exercises for low back pain / Your 15-minute-workout        
C-04-b-03.7 Testament “Atto notarile di Testamento pubblico. Parti: Mary Patricia Highsmith. Copia autentica per: la signora Vivien De Bernardi.”   1995.02.24
  Attachment: Inventario "Mary Patricia Highsmith, Tegna 17 febbraio 1995", 7 pp. (photocopies).
C-04-b-03.8 Folder Commune di Tegna   1987-1990
  Including "Certificato di Abitabilità". Dr. med L. Piazzoni, 1989
C-04-b-03.9 Folder "Dog affair"   1993-1994
6 letters (one carbon) Letters from PH to Sergio Salvioni (Avv.), PH to Lorenz Bichler, Lorenz Bichlerto PH, Sergio Salvioni to Lorenz Bichler, P. Kassovits to PH
C-04-b-03.10 Folder UBS   1987-1990
c. 100 invoices, letters etc., 4 notes and 2 letters by PH (partly carbon copies) On some documents handwritten remarks by PH. Including invoices of craftsmen and artisans, among others [Peter] Carol Giardini correspondence. D. Schnebli + T. Ammann, Architetti, Agno (contains "Haus in Tegna: Schlussabrechnung, 16. 10.1989), Salvioni e Maccanetti, “Notes from talks with Sigg [UBS Locarno] chez moi”, with calculations of estimated house price etc. Partly written on rear of letters to PH (4 notes, 2 letters, partly carbon copies). Including ec card number UBS on a small stub


Writing Utensils, TV, Media, 1985-1995

Cote Title / Description
C-04-b-04.1 "F. S. Cassette instructions" [re: cassette recorder]  
C-04-b-04.2 Brother Fax  
C-04-b-04.3 Amstrad PC (brochure and correspondence)  
C-04-b-04.4 Amstrad PC (Word processor)  
C-04-b-04.5 Apple Mac Classic II  
C-04-b-04.6 TVExtra AB, BBC Worldwide Television, König SA (Radio TV Hi-Fi Elettrodomestici)  



Cote Title / Description Dates Further Info / Remarks
C-04-c/01 Member Card The Authors Guild, New York   1993
C-04-c/02 Crime Writers Association. Membership List   1980
List of 18 pp., including PH.
C-04-c/03 The Detection Club 1932-1980. Full List of Members   1981
List including PH (since 1975).
C-04-c/04 The Detection Club 1930-1994. List of Members   1994
List including PH (since 1975).



Cote Title / Description Dates Further Info / Remarks
C-04-d/01 Atlantic Monthly Press: Itinerary for PH author of “Found in the Street” in New York, 1987   1987
C-04-d/02 Memorandum of Agreement between Patricia Highsmith c/o Diogenes Verlag and Circulo de Leitores, Lisboa re: Small g: A Summer Idyll   1995
3 copies.



Cote Title / Description Dates Further Info / Remarks
C-04-e/01 Demande annuelle de réduction de l’impôt français sur les redevances   1991
re: royalties Calmann-Levy. Form signed by PH.
C-04-e/02 Imposta Cantonale, Richiesta d’acconto, Ufficio Cantonale di Esazione, Bellinzona   1992
Swiss taxes 1992, with note PH: “Paid toto 18/4/92”.
C-04-e/03 Imposta Comunale, Richiesta d’acconto, Cancelleria Comunale, Tegna   1992
Swiss taxes 1992, with note PH: “30 April deadline / paid in toto 4 April 1992”.
C-04-e/04 Documentation (press cuttings, photocopies) re:Taxes for U.S. Citizens abroad   1986-1990
Including press cutting: “America’s Gossip Queen Liz [Smith] is a Secret Lesbian”.