D-05-a |
Alphabethical Documentation
Originally in file folder "INVENTORY 87, INT. PICS (PIX), MISC INFO". Containing mainly newspaper, publicity, some manuscripts
and letters in italics: Manuscripts and newspaper copies of reviews by PH. The subjects are listed up under the letters A
to Z. The list includes some guesses and is not absolutely complete. Notice: Mss. - although listed here - have physically been removed and placed under A: Works
Contains: |
A: Authors guild / authors league / privacy - biography ’89 (incl. 1 letter authors guild), art, alzheimer’s, archaeology,
absinthe, animals, abortion, Aztecs, (and other clippings without obvious A-subject).
B: Bayreuth, Bergün, Ms.. „The Golden Gate by Alistair MacLean“ (carbon, 3 pp., address: Moncourt), Ms. “The John Franklin
Barin Omnibus” (carbon, 6 pp., address: Moncourt), Authors’ Wills and Estates (Bulletin Second Front, Spring 1983), Brain,
Paul Bowles, Bells, Service on Out-of-Print Books, Dirk Bogarde, The Blunderer (TV script) / C. Vitae Marc Brandel, Barnard,
Sybille Bedford, Bees, Brass rubbing, Ray Bradbury, Barbara Bemelmans’s Madeline, Boats, J.F. Bardin, Biography.
C: Clock, Curare, Calvados, Agatha Christie/Vladimir Nabokov (Rezension von PH in “Welt des Buches”, 16.9.1976), Coins, Convention/Constitution
1787, Weather Forecasting, Frank MacShane: The Life of Raymond Chandler (review by PH in TLS 18.6.1976), Ms. Frank MacShane:
The Life of Raymond Chandler (carbon 6 pp., address: Moncourt), Cocaine, Coates Bend Restoring, Ms. The One of Two Raymond
Chandlers (Preface to “The World of R.C.”, Weidenfeld + Nicolson), 26.12.1976, carbon with handwritten corrections, 6 pp.),
Cartoonists, Copyright Registrations Library of Congress: Novels and Short Stories 1949-87, Christianity, Crime Writers’ Association,
Carmen (Opera), Cholesterol, Cancer, Betty Comden and Adolph Green, Cosmos.
D: Bette Davis, Autoimmune Diseases, Ms. "Daran glaube ich" for Die Welt, 28.9.1977 (carbon, 2 pp.), Ramsey Clark, Allan Bloom,
Drugs, Ms. “The Deadly Innocents: Portraits of Children Who Kill by Muriel Gardiner (Review) (carbon, 4 pp., address: Aurigeno),
Ms. “Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The Bomb Party by Graham Greene (Review) (2 carbon copies, each 3 pp.), D-Day
L’Escargot (snails), Embryo. |
F: FBI/new scientific evidence, Fleas, Food, Furniture, Flight, Forgery, William Faulkner, Flowers/Forest, Lucy Freeman: “Der
Psychiater sagt Mord” (Review by PH, Welt am Sonntag, 26.2.1976), Fusion Research, Ms. “The Perfect Female Image” (for Sunday
Times, London, Sept. 1977) (carbon, 2 pp.), Funeral.
G: Ms. Journal de Genève, Questions (Sept. 1984) (carbon, 3 pp.), Gotthard Tunnel, Gondola, Greenpeace, Graham Greene, German
History, Victoria Glendinning, Greenhouse, Guns, Gallery Guide, Garden.
Hitchcock, J. Edgar Hoover, Heart drugs, Hadrogen-powered plane, Joseph Hazelwood. |
I/J: Iraq, GM losses, Iceman, Jupiter / Galileo Mission, Inoculation, Immune System, Handwriting/Graphology. |
K/L: Kimbell Art Museum Fort Worth, Texas, Joylessness, British Museum’s recipe for leather dressing for books, Kiki de Montparnasse,
Lebanon, Love, Inventory of hardcover first editions at Highsmith house, Dec. 1987 (draft 1 p. and final version, 2 carbon
copies with some handwritten corrections, each 29 pp.).
M: Mummies, Machu Pichu, Tony Myrer, Jeanne Moreau, Ms. AAA (Speach for Gudrun Mueller-Poeschmann exhibition, 31.3.1988 (carbon,
3 pp.).
Mc: Metropolitan (film), Mary McCarthy. |
N/O: New York, L.H. Oswald, Joan Dupont: Criminal Pursuits (PH portrait, New York Times Magazine, 12.6.1988, 5 copies), Mary
McCarthy, PH: Intime Feinde, die sich als gute Freunde tarnen (review of Joyce Carol Oates: Grenzüberschreitungen), in Welt
am Sonntag, 12.11.1978, Ms. Mrs Reinhardt and other stories by Edna O’Brien (Die Welt am Sonntag, Oct. 1979, carbon 2 pp.),
Ms. Crossing the Border by Joyce Carol Oates (Welt am Sonntag) (carbon, 4 pp.), Patricia Highsmith, interview with Ian Hamilton,
New Review, London, August 1977.
P/Q: Père Lachaise, Particle Roundup, Thomas Paine, Paris (Robert Doisneau), Engdahl Typography (letter), Kim Philby (spy),
Quantum Leap, Paper, Alan Paton, Ms. Edgar Allan Poe by David Sinclair, Dec 23 1977, Times Literary Supplement (carbon, 6
pp.), Pre-Raphaelites, Poetry (magazine). R: Santa Fe board of Realtors, Record Player, Red Square, Relativity/ Hawking, Soviet
Empire (Russia), James Reston, Rachmaninoff, Ms. Rats by Martin Hart. Times Literary Supplement, 1982 (carbon, 6 pp.).
S: Switzerland, Spaceships, Syracuse, William Shirer, Sun, Surgery, Upton Sinclair / Censorship, The Spy Guide in the Secrets
of America’s Favorite Clubs (Shriners etc.), Smoking,. - Ms. Simenon: The Man and the Writer – Separable or Not? (carbon and photocopy of Ts., 6 pp., address: Aurigeno), Sphinx, PH:
Simenon in Court, in : New York Times, 1969 (?), PH: Miss Maigret. Intimate Memoirs, including ‘Maire-Jo’s Book, by George
Simenon (London Review of Books, 17.10.1984), X-Rays/Gamma-Rays, Supernova, PH: Fallen Women. ‘Somebody’s Husband, Somebody’s
Son: The Story of Peter Sutcliffe by Gordon Burn. London Review of Books, 4.7.1984 (several copies), Ms. “...somebody’s husband,
somebody’s son” by Gordon Burn. (Ts. carbon copy, 12 pp.), Ms. “...somebody’s husband, somebody’s son” by Gordon Burn, “2nd
draft” (Ts. with handwritten corrections, , 13 pp.), (review of the same Sutcliffe-book by Julian Symons), Ms. Intimate Memoirs
by George Simenon, Hamish Hamilton, Sept. 1984 for London Review of Books (Ts. carbon copy, 7 pp.), Junius Secundus: The Sohoiad,
or, The Masque of Art (The New York Review, 1984), ships/sails, Snooker, Ms. Sybil, by Flora Rheta Schreiber (address: Moncourt)
(Ts., carbon copy, 4 pp.), The Rock Pool: The struggle for survival (Snails), The Seventh Enemy, by Ronald Higghins (Terrorism,
Threats of the Nineties), John Singer Sargent’s Breakthrough.
T: Two Cultures/Edward Said, Typewriters, Van Dyck, Texas Property (near Granbury, Hood County, 40 miles from Ft. Worth) –
survey sketch/map, documentation, Ms. Toronto and New York, oct. 20, 1987, 2nd version (Ts., carbon/original, 4 pp.) (probably
manuscript for public reading from “Found in the Street”), Ticino, Tanger, Truffle Trade, Monaco as “Tax Haven”.
U/V: Death in Tunis (murder of P.L.O. leader), Village Vanguard (N.Y. Jazz club), Vanguard Press, Vanessa Redgrave, Ms. The
Tomi Ungerer Show, 16.1.1975 (Ts. carbon, 3 pp.), Voodoo, Toronto, Reconstruction of Greek Trimere (boat), , W: Writers and
Artists Colonies (list), World War II, Voyager 2 (space), Wine, Whales, Wiener Fiakerlied, Wood (?) “Capturing a new antique
look), Wagner.
X/Y/Z: Yaddo, Zeppelin, Zebra, Yachtjacking. |