Highsmith, Patricia: Nachlass Patricia Highsmith


Swiss Literary Archives (SLA)
Hallwylstrasse 15
CH-3003 Berne



Author/Origine : Highsmith, Patricia
Title Collections
Scope and content : D-Collections: 14 scrapbooks, personal library, audio-visual collections, collection of newspaper cuttings, and more.
Cote : SLA-PH-D

D-01 Personal Library
D-01-a Reference Library
D-01-b Guidebooks and Geographic books
D-01-c Illustrated Volumes, large size books
D-01-d Literature A to Z
D-01-e Poetry, Verse
D-01-f Anthologies, Yearbooks etc.
D-01-g (Auto-)Biographies
D-01-h Politics, History
D-01-i Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Literary Criticism, Mythology etc.
D-01-j Criminology, Crime Writing
D-01-k Cats
D-01-l Nature (Animals, Plants etc.)
D-01-m Household Practice (Guides etc.)
D-01-n Cooking
D-02 Collection of Highsmith Editions
D-02-a American and English Highsmith Original Editions
D-02-b American and English Highsmith Licensed Editions
D-02-c German Highsmith Editions
D-02-d French Highsmith Editions
D-02-e Italian Highsmith editions
D-02-f Spanish Highsmith editions
D-02-g Catalan Highsmith editions
D-02-h Portuguese Highsmith editions
D-02-i Japanese Highsmith editions
D-02-j Highsmith editions in other languages
D-03 Scrapbooks
D-04 Press Cuttings and Newspaper/Magazine Copies re: Life and Work of PH
D-04-a Articles and Stories by PH
D-04-b Portraits of PH and Interviews
D-04-c Reviews of Novels
D-04-d Obituaries
D-04-e Film Promotion Booklets
D-05 Press cuttings re: diverse topics
D-05-a Alphabethical Documentation
D-05-b Newspaper Cuttings re: Israel – Palestinians
D-05-c Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes Documentation
D-05-d Animal Rights
D-05-e Blacks
D-05-f Divers
D-05-g The Pits
D-06 Video Tapes
D-06-a Film Versions and Videos relating to PH
D-06-b Patricia Highsmith's Video Collection
D-06-c Additional Videos on PH and her Oeuvre
D-07 Audio tapes and records
D-07-a Spoken Letters / Interviews / Reviews / Reportages
D-07-b Recordings of Literature / Music / Guides
D-07-c Highsmith Audio Books
D-07-d Long Play Records (LPs)
D-08 Original Ts./MS. Boxes and Folders
D-09 Film Scripts / Screenplays by other Authors, based on PH Novels
D-10 Maps
D-11 Studies on PH's Work (Manuscripts)
D-12 Manuscripts by Others
D-13 Artwork in Possession of PH
D-14 Collection of Postcards
D-15 Odds and Ends


Odds and Ends